Capturing Images

This guide outlines the process of capturing an Image file from a Template Machine (a machine configured for other systems to be deployed from).

Capturing an Image

Setting up multiple Locations? No problem! Once a Location has been setup with an Imaging Server, it can be cloned to your other offices. A .wim file is created that can be copied from one server to another.

How to Capture an Image on a Template Machine

Once the Template Machine has been properly configured and is ready to be captured, proceed with the following steps:

User Data - The computer being captured undergoes Sys Prep, this removes any personal user configurations, but the apps installed on the machine will remain. The user accounts will exist but the local user profile data will not.

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the OS Deployment tab.

3. Select a Computer in the Computers Control Grid (DESKTOP1 in this example).

4. Click the CAPTURE IMAGE button on the ACTION TOOLBAR.

Once the option to capture the image is selected, a dialog is shown asking the Administrator to select a set of Installation Settings to apply to the client system after the image capture process is complete.

5. Enter an Image Name.

6. Enter a Description for the Image being captured.

7. Optional: Enter a Product Key for Windows; this can be left blank to use the Dummy Product Key.

8. Check the Are you sure you want to continue? box.


Once clicked, the Template Machine will go through the following steps:

  1. Check the system for any conditions that will cause the imaging process to fail.

  2. Check the system to ensure adequate disk space exists for the capture process.

  3. The boot image is copied to the client system.

  4. The system undergoes a system preparation process (SYSPREP).

  5. The system boots into the boot image (RAM BOOT).

  6. Once the system boots into the boot image, the system disk is captured locally and uploaded to the imaging server.

  7. The template machine reboots into the image captured from it.

Once complete, the image will be shown in the list of images on your imaging server and can then be deployed to client systems using a Deployment Package.

Last updated