Disable Cortana

This Custom Batch Script disables Cortana.

Batch Script

The following is the Disable Cortana sample batch script. Copy it and save it as a .bat file. For further information on hosting this script see Quick Guide to Self-Hosting Custom Scripts.

REM This script should disable Cortana on the mchaine for the system as a whole.
@echo off
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" /v SearchboxTaskbarMode /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v ShowCortanaButton /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Custom Script Settings

The table below outlines all the fields that need to be set when creating this custom script.




Disable Cortana


Batch Script


Leave blank

Run As

System Account or Specified User Account

Create a Disable Cortana Custom Script

Create a Custom Script

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.


4. Select Create Custom Script.

5. Enter a Name for the script, Disable Cortana in this example; use any name you'd like to use.

Disable Cortana Custom Script

6. Enter the URL that points to the hosted script http://faronics.org/proservices/bat/disable_cortana.bat in this example. You might need to download this file and host it on a link that is whitelisted in your firewall.

7. Select the script type: Batch Script.

8. Command Line: Leave blank.

9. Select the account to Run As; either System Account or Specified User Account.

10. Click SAVE TO GRID.

The script will now appear in the list of Custom Scripts. It will also be available to select from the Applications Control Grid View.

Search for the script in the grid using the search option. If your applications are grouped, you will see a column named Custom Scripts. Selecting the Custom Script header will display all the scripts that have been added to the grid.

Last updated