Custom Scripts - PowerShell, VB, Batch, Executable [.exe]

Creating the Script

To push a custom script using Faronics Deploy, the script will need to be hosted on a web server (see Quick Guide to Self-Hosting Custom Scripts for further information). The supported scripts are PowerShell, VB Script, Batch Script and Executable [.exe]. See the Custom Scripts Library for some example scripts.

Adding Scripts to Deploy

Once the script is hosted, it can be added to the Faronics Deploy grid. To do this, go to the Custom Script button on the top right corner of the Applications Control Grid and select the drop-down arrow to Create Custom Script.

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.


4. Select Create Custom Script.

5. Enter a Name for the script.

6. Enter the URL or UNC path (e.g., \\FTS\Share\DFEscript.ps1 ) that points to the location where the script is being hosted.

7. Select a script type, Powershell, VB Script, Batch Script, or Executable [.exe] (PowerShell in this example).

8. Select the account to Run As, either System Account or Specified User Account.

9. Click SAVE TO GRID.

Once saved, the script can be pushed to an individual computer or groups of computers. It can also be scheduled using a Policy.

Pushing the Script

If a custom script has been saved to the grid, it can be pushed out to computers immediately or at a scheduled time. Custom scripts will appear in the Applications Control Grid.

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.

3. Select the Custom Scripts column header.

4. Select the grid for the Computer that you want to run the Custom Script on (DESKTOP1 in this example).

5. Click the RUN button.

6. Confirm the action by clicking RUN on the confirmation dialog.

The Custom Script has successfully been run on the individual computer.

Copy a Script (Duplicate)

A script can be duplicated or copied to another site.

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.


4. Select View Custom Scripts.

5. Select a Script to copy, then select the COPY drop-down menu.

6. Select Duplicate.

7. The script will be named "copy of - xxxxxxx"; it's a direct copy with just the name change. Make any changes you require to the name, URL, Type, Run As, or Command-Line, then click SAVE TO GRID.

The copied script will now appear in the list of Custom Scripts. It will also be available to select from the Applications Control Grid View.

Search for the script in the grid using the search option. If your applications are grouped, you will see a column named Custom Scripts. Selecting the Custom Script header will display all the scripts that have been added to the grid.

Copy to a Site

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.


4. Select View Custom Scripts.

5. Select a Script to copy, then select the COPY drop-down menu.

6. Check the box(es) next to the site(s) to copy the script.


The copied script will now appear in the specified sites in their list of Custom Scripts. It will also be available to select from the Applications Control Grid View.

Search for the script in the grid using the search option. If your applications are grouped, you will see a column named Custom Scripts. Selecting the Custom Script header will display all the scripts added to the grid.

Edit a Custom Script

Once a script has been created, it can be edited. The name, URL, Type, Command Line and User can all be changed.

1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Applications tab.

3. Click on the name of the script to be edited in the header of the Applications Grid view (Disable Power Management in this example).

4. The ACTION TOOLBAR will now appear; click the blue EDIT DETAILS button.

5. If changing the URL, enter the new URL.

6. Select a new type from the drop-down list if changing the type.

7. If changing/adding command line syntax, enter the new command line syntax in the box provided.

8. If changing the User account running this script, select one from the drop-down list.

9. Click the SAVE TO GRID button.

The Custom Script has successfully been updated.

Last updated