Top 10 Trending Topics

What's trending now? Here's an insight into the most frequently read pages in our User Documentation:

  1. Sign Up - Create a Faronics Deploy Account - New to Faronics? Start here!

  2. Initial Setup and Configuration - Check out our guide to get up and running quickly.

  3. Download and Install Deploy Agents - Information on where to download the Deploy Agent and how to install it.

  4. Windows Install Guide - Windows-specific installation guide for Faronics Deploy.

  5. Getting Images Ready for Deployment - Simplify your onboarding by creating images to be deployed on your computers.

  6. Using RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol - Need to remote onto a computer? Here's a guide on how to do that!

  7. Auto Logon - Learn how to create a script that can automatically log in to a computer just once or permanently.

  8. Create a Configuration - Learn how to add a group of settings, e.g., Power Management, Firewall Settings, Display Settings. You can apply a configuration to a single computer or group of computers via the ACTION TOOLBAR.

  9. Cache Server: Save Bandwidth - Need to save bandwidth? Take a look at our Cache Server functionality.

  10. Maintenance Mode - Learn how to put your computers into maintenance mode for scheduled Windows Updates.

Last updated