Abort the Sysprep Task

When creating an Image of a computer, the imaging software goes through several steps during the process before generating the image.

Sysprep may fail on the client computer during the imaging process but still show as active in the Deploy console under the OS Deployment task stages.

If you see that Sysprep has failed at the client side but is still showing as System Preparing in the imaging stages:

1. Select the progress bar under Sysprep is in Progress.

2. Next, select the ABORT button to abort the task on the console.

Warning - Only use this option if the task has failed on the computer, and the Sysprep status on the console remains in progress or waiting.

3. A confirmation prompt will appear, asking you to confirm that you wish to proceed and reminding you only to use this option if the task has failed on the computer.

4. Click YES to proceed or NO to cancel.

Last updated