Windows Update Status Report


The Windows Update Status Report provides insight into the status of Windows Updates installed on all computers in the system over a specified date range.

The report provides information such as Path Name, Patch Category (e.g., Critical, Security Update, Drivers, etc.), Patch Release Date.

Generate a Windows Update Status Report

1. Select the Analytics Grid tab on the top menu bar.

2. Navigate to the Windows Update Status tab.

3. Specify the time period filter for the Report, Today, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, or Custom.

4. The report is now displayed; click EXPORT REPORT and select CSV to download it as a CSV file.

The Windows Update Status Report has successfully been downloaded. Check your downloads folder for a file named Windows Update Status Report.csv (if you download more than one version of this report, the file name will increment, e.g., Windows Update Status Report (1).csv ).

Last updated