Navigating the Applications Control Grid
View Installed Applications
Installing the Faronics Deploy Agent on your computers will populate them in the console and display the version of the applications that are installed on them.
Default: The Application view opens displaying computers that have one or more applications out-of-date, grouping the applications by type.
View Computers by Online Only/All/Outdated Only
Use the drop-down menu button on the top left of the grid to view all computers, online computers only, or computers that have pending application updates.
Grid Options
Use the Grid Options button on the top right to Group or Ungroup Applications, enable Search and Filter, and Hide Unused Apps.
If the applications are grouped, select the Group Name to drill down to display the applications available in the group.
Search and Select
The Search and Select feature enables you to search the names of the Windows Computers in the grid by a partial or full Computer Name. For example, if you wanted to select all the Computers that contain "Desktop" in their name, you would enter "Desktop" into the search field. The Select button would appear, which allows you to select all computers matching that criteria.
Please note that if some Computers are online and others are offline, you must select either Online or Offline from the drop-down menu on the select button (this menu will not appear if all computers are in the same state).
Search and Filter Applications
The Faronics Deploy Agent can retrieve a complete list of all installed applications on the computers. To view the installed applications list:
1. Navigate to the Analytics section in the console.
2. Select Applications>Installed Applications.
3. Use the Search Bar or the Search and Filter option on the top right to filter by Computer Name, Product Name, Version, or Publisher. The example below searches for "adobe" in each field and highlights all matching results.
4. To Search and Filter, click the View Search and Filter switch as shown below.
5. Type what you wish to filter by in the search box(es) under Computer Name, Product Name, Version, Publisher. The example below filters by Product Name "Adobe".
Filter the Computers by Policy
1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.
2. Navigate to the Applications tab.
3. Click on the Policy header on the grid; the ACTION TOOLBAR will now appear.
Last updated