Edit a Custom App
A Custom App can be edited once created. The Package Name, URL, Architecture, Install Command Line, Uninstall Command Line, Restart, Install Timeout, and Run As settings can all be configured for the Custom App here.
1. Select the Control Grid tab on the top menu bar.
2. Navigate to the Applications tab.
3. Click on the Custom Apps drop-down menu.
4. Select View Custom Apps.
5. Select the Custom App from the list.
6. Click the EDIT button.
7. Make any necessary changes to the Custom App (the Package Name, URL, Architecture, Install Command Line, Uninstall Command Line, Restart, Install Timeout, Run As can be changed from this screen).
URL - If entering a network path, enter user credentials that have the necessary rights to access the shared file. See Hosting - URL or Network Path for further information on hosting.
Install/Uninstall Command Line - If using a .msi file, you don't need to enter the /n or /qn switches for a silent install.
If using a .exe file, you will need to enter the supported switches for a silent/unattended installation, /S in this example.
8. Click the UPDATE button to save your changes.
The Custom App has been successfully updated.
Last updated