Create a Custom Script to Install any Google Chrome Extension
Follow this process to create a Batch Script (.bat) to install any Google Chrome Extension.
1. Copy the sample script from below (this example contains the ID for the Google Ad Blocker):
2. Locate the ID for the Google Chrome Extension that you wish to install, enter chrome://extensions in the address bar of a Google Chrome browser.
a. Enter the name of the Google Chrome Extension for which you are searching.
b. Enable Developer Mode by clicking the switch.
c. Copy the ID for the Extension.
3. Edit the sample batch script, replace the highlighted ID (The Google Chrome Ad Blocker Extension id in this example) with the ID for the Google Chrome Extension that you wish to install from step 2c above:
4. Save the Batch Script file (.bat extension is required) and host it. See Quick Guide to Self-Hosting Custom Scripts for further information.
5. Add the Custom Script in Deploy; see the Google Chrome Ad Blocker Extension example.
You have successfully created an Install Batch Script for a Google Chrome Extension. This script will need to be hosted (see Quick Guide to Self-Hosting Custom Scripts); once hosted, Create a Custom Script in Faronics Deploy (see Google Chrome Ad Blocker Extension example).
Last updated