Usage Statistics Reports


Analytics in Faronics Deploy provides data for optimal utilization of IT assets, including computers and software, by tracking their usage and deployment.

The following reports are available under the Analytics feature:

  • Application Usage - shows a summary of application usage on computers containing the number of users using the applications and computers where the applications are installed.

  • Application Update Status - shows a list of all application updates across all managed computers.

  • Installed Applications - shows a list of all applications installed across all managed computers.

  • Computer Usage - shows a summary of computer usage with the number of logins by unique users.

  • Login Summary Report - shows a summary of all user logins across all managed computers.

  • Windows Update Status - shows a list of all Windows Updates installed across all managed computers.

Each of the above Reports is filterable, sortable, and searchable.

Users can see the data just for Today, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, or a Custom time period.

Users can export the reports to a CSV file, download and print them.

Last updated