Command Line Installation

The Insight Student Application supports the use of command line options to configure the product during the installation process. These options can be used with a variety of deployment tools to push the Student Application to systems without requiring user intervention.

An example installation command line is shown below when installing Insight Student using an executable (.exe) file:

InsightInstallerStudent.exe /classid Class101 /adminPwd Password123 /sharedSecret superiorsiegeweapon /installbrowserextension /enableWebHistory /connectorServer /suppressreboot

An example installation command line is shown below when installing Insight Student using an MSI installer:

MSIEXEC.exe /I "msi Path" /qn CMDLINE="/classId Class101 /requireStudentPermission /disableKeyLogging /studentCanChangeClassId /hideSysTrayIcon /enableAdminPwd /adminPwd Password123 /installBrowserExtension /enableWebHistory"

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