Begin a Test

The Teacher can begin a test for one or more Students present in the class.

  1. Select at least one Student.

  2. Click Assess.

  3. Click Begin a Test.

  4. Select a test from the list of created tests or click Manage Tests to create a new test.

  5. Click Begin Test.

Configure the following options if preferred, and click Done when finished.

  • Name – Ask Students for their name rather than assuming Login Name.

  • Scoring – Show Test score to Students (Score Only or Score and Question Details) and Save Student Answers if preferred.

  • Timed Test – Set a time limit for when the test must be finished (up to a maximum of 999 minutes).

  • Configure Test Display – Select to Show Questions in Random Order on Student computers or Force Full Screen test (the testing window will stay above other windows).

  • Instructions – Select to Display Instructions and specify your message to the Students before they start the test.

The Teacher will see the following screen. See Live Test Results.

On the Student console, the Student will be prompted to enter their name and begin the test.

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