Create a Test

Teachers can create electronic tests that can be pushed to Students and taken on their computers. Test questions can be formatted as True/False, Multiple Choice, Essay, or Fill in the Blanks, or any combination of these. Teachers can optionally time the test, show results to Students and export the results to a .csv file.

  1. Select at least one Student.

  2. Click Assess.

  3. Click Create Test.

  4. Enter a name for the test.

  5. Select ADAPTIVE TEST to make the test an adaptive one. Refer to Adaptive Test.

  6. Start building your test by dragging the type of test from the right pane to the center. For each type of test, you can collapse and expand the questions, add images to the test questions by selecting Add an Image to This Question and clicking Upload. For non-adaptive tests: Add the weightage to each test question up to a total of 100% for the entire test. For example, if you have set 40% to the multiple choice question, this will carry 40% weightage in the final result. For adaptive tests: Select the level of difficulty (between 1 to 10) for each question. Add the weightage to each test question up to a total of 100% for the entire test.

    • Multiple Choice Format For Multiple Choice questions, enter your question, configure the answer options and select the correct one/s. You have the option to allow a single or multiple correct answers. Click +Add Option to add more options for the Students to choose from.

    • Essay Format

      For Essay questions, enter your question and set a word range limit between 100 to 999 if preferred.

    • True/False Format

      For True/False questions, enter your question and set the correct answer. You can also allow Students to add an explanation for their responses and set a word range limit between 100 to 999 words.

    • Fill in the Blanks

      For Fill in the Blanks questions, enter your question and provide the correct answer in the Answer field. To add a blank space where the answer is to be written, click Add Blank, or alternatively, type in a single underscore (_) character.

  7. Click Export Test, Import, Reset Weightage to reset the weightage of each test, Save Test or Save and Launch Test.

Adaptive Test

An adaptive test is a type of assessment that adjusts its level of difficulty based on the Students’ performance as they proceed through the test.

Unlike non-adaptive tests, adaptive tests will result in a different set of test questions for each Student based on how well they answered the earlier question.

The adaptive test will start off with a question of a moderate difficulty. The succeeding questions will adjust based on the responses of the Students. Correct answers lead to more difficult questions (test questions marked as higher level); incorrect answers lead to easier questions (test questions marked as lower level).

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