Version 1.17.1222 (December 2017)
New Features
Anti-Executable policies are updated with new Faronics certificate.
Cloud Console
22832 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Limited Administrator could cancel a task initiated by a Super Administrator from the view task page.
22841 Resolved an issue where breadcrumbs were missing on Groups Page.
22878 Resolved an issue where the user was not able to remove computer from the list under Computers page.
22918 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze on Demand WOL schedule was not allowed. (Case No. BUK-700-97601)
22900 Resolved issues in User Management Permission Types matrix.
Deep Freeze Mobile
22879 Resolved an issue where Mac computers are displayed as outdated even if latest Cloud Agent and Deep Freeze is installed.
Version 1.17.1208 (December 2017)
New Features
Support for macOS High Sierra 10.13
Live Actions now available for Deep Freeze Mac: Users can now perform Live Actions on Windows and macOS computers together. Supported Deep Freeze Mac Live Actions include Restart, Shutdown, Reboot Frozen, Reboot Thawed. Note: For Live Actions to take effect, re-apply the policy after selecting Enable Live Actions in the heartbeat settings for the Deep Freeze Mac policy.
Cloud Console
22692 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Cloud was showing the same site in the sites drop-down multiple times. (Case No. SDR-295-99577)
22725 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Thawed Status widget did not include all Thawed states except Windows Updates, Batch File and Thawed Period.
22615 Resolved an issue where User Management was missing breadcrumbs.
22595 Resolved an issue on DFOD page where under Move To Groups drop-down, Manage Groups link should not displayed for Deep Freeze Limited admin user.
22377 Resolved an issue where an evaluation message is displayed for customers with a valid contract. (Case No. ZUI-468-64970)
Campus Affairs Service
22494 Resolved an issue where an error message was displayed on Campusaffairs.com after opening My Sites page.
MDM Service
22724 Resolved an issue where the user was not able to download DEP Public Key if Organization had no default site.
22531 Some apps do not display updated properties on the MDM Apps page despite successfully using the app update feature to update the app on devices.
Version 1.17.1206 (December 2017)
22771 Resolved an issue where Tasks history did not remain for 30 days and instead remained for only 7 days.
22772 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to update 32-bit virus definitions from the cache server.
Version 1.17.1204 (December 2017)
22742 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze MDM with Apple DEP sync only returned 100 of the 495 devices. (Case No. RMA-992-80280)
Version 1.17.1124 (November 2017)
New Features
Active Directory Integration is available for customers with the Ultimate bundle.
Active Directory User Management: Active Directory users can now log in to Deep Freeze Cloud using their Active Directory credentials. Sites and permissions can be assigned to AD Users directly or inherited based on their AD group membership.
Active Directory Computer Groups: Active Directory Organizational Units (OU's) can be associated with Computer Groups in Deep Freeze Cloud allowing computers to be automatically assigned to appropriate groups based on their AD OU membership.
Cloud Console
22496 Resolved an issue where the 'License Management' option was visible to Cloud Administrator user.
22509 Resolved an issue on the task Status page where Filters were not highlighted when it's in use.
22562 Resolved an issue with the Deep Freeze widget under the Home page where it did not show the correct information if computer is removed.
22595 Resolved an issue with 'Move To Groups' drop-down where 'Manage Groups' link should not be displayed for Deep Freeze Limited admin user.
Anti-Virus Service
22605 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus Last Scan Report was not generated.
22511 Resolved an issue where 'Firewall Protection is disabled' alert was received when Firewall feature is disabled in policy when installing Anti-Virus.
Campus Affairs Service
22494 Resolved an issue where an error message was displayed on Campusaffairs.com after opening My Sites page.
22497 Resolved an issue where the Reporting Administrator is able to access/manage Campus Affairs using limited view from profile page.
User Management
22615 User Management is missing breadcrumbs
Deep Freeze Service
22168 Resolved an issue where 404 error appears when clicking on On Demand Cloud Relay shortcut on desktop.
Version 1.17.1117 (November 2017)
22317 An automatic Cloud Agent module update now resolves an issue where the Deep Freeze Service was not starting and Deep Freeze computers were not communicating with Deep Freeze Cloud. (Case No. HKN-952-83206, NLG-897-20755, ANJ-311-67397, VYL-377-67281)
Version 1.17.1114 (November 2017)
22493 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to add tags on the Groups and Policies page.
22495 Resolved an issue for the Deep Freeze Administrator, where the License Management and Notifications icon was displayed after clicking on task status page.
22496 Resolved an issue where the License Management option was visible to Cloud Administrator user.
22497 Resolved an issue where the Reporting Administrator was able to access/manage Campus Affairs using limited view from profile page.
Version 1.17.1110 (November 2017)
22283 Resolved an issue where subgroups are not visible under User Management while adding a user. (Case No. MSQ-212-56162)
22440 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise Console was not syncing groups with Deep Freeze Cloud. (Case No. MMV-124-58120, VTM-803-71987)
Version 1.17.1103 (November 2017)
22310 Resolved issue when a ThawSpace may randomly get deleted during v8.5 upgrade. This issue is limited to customers who previously had v8.31, v8.32, or v8.33 installed on that computer and gone through an upgrade process. (Case No. RTT-893-71028, DTS-627-72232, MGJ-850-67555)
Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze could not be installed on a computer with Fall Creator Update.
21738 Resolved an issue where inconsistent data was shown in Usage Stats reports. (Case No. YBH-760-72001)
Version 1.17.1018 (October 2017)
Cloud Agent Service
20522 Resolved an issue where the Cloud Agent version was not updated consistently. (Case No. UGP-376-95773)
20346 Resolved an issue where downloading the .msi file a few times leads to the downloaded file being corrupted.
20252 Resolved an issue where problems occurred while installing Cloud Agent, Deep Freeze, and WINSelect on a client machine with a compressed drive. (Case No. IWA-462-92156)
19208 Resolved an issue where computers were rebooting unnecessary while upgrading services during maintenance mode.
Cloud Console
22171 Resolved an issue where global search looks different under different pages.
22259 Resolved an issue where Cloud Console was slow when switching to User Management, My Sites and Dashboard pages.
Version 1.17.0922 (September 2017)
Cloud Console
21867 Resolved an issue where tags could not be added to the users on the User Management page.
21950 Resolved an issue where the UI on sign-in page was displayed incorrectly when log off from cloud or wrong credential are entered.
21951 Resolved an issue where the sign-in was displayed incorrectly under Android and iOS devices.
21953 Resolved an issue where 'Reset Your Password' link was not working after entering existing Deep Freeze Enterprise customer email address.
21961 Resolved an issue where the user was not able to switch back to English on a mobile device once switched to any other languages.
21972 Resolved an issue where incorrect message gets displayed when trying to delete user from More Action>Delete User.
Campus Affairs
21962 Resolved an issue on the Campus Affairs page where a drop-down for sites is not available and Campus Affairs Administrator is unable to switch sites from My Sites.
MDM Service
21936 Resolved an issue where incorrect registration link\URL was received in registration email.
Version 1.17.0918 (September 2017)
21942 Resolved a 404 error when logging into Deep Freeze Cloud when 2-Step Authentication is enabled. (Case No. DFM-551-27206/ XSN-775-47849)
Version 1.17.0915 (September 2017)
Deep Freeze Cloud (MDM Features)
New Features
Deep Freeze Mobile Device Management: Deep Freeze Cloud now provides the ability to manage mobile devices and includes the following features:
Manage iOS and Android devices: Deep Freeze MDM can manage both Android and iOS devices from the Deep Freeze Cloud Console web interface.
Apple Device Enrollment Program: Use your organization's Device Enrollment Program for a streamlined way to deploy organization-owned iPad and iPhone devices that are purchased directly from Apple or participating Apple Authorized Resellers or carriers.
Apple Volume Purchase Program: Assign VPP apps to an iOS device without the need for an Apple ID, and if that device is supervised, the installation is silent.
Google Android for Work (AfW) : Make Android devices corporate-ready. AfW provides several features and configurations, which secure the device and make the device cater to the needs of an organization.
Samsung SAFE V2+ certified: Administrators can manage SAFE Android smartphones and tablets securely and remotely by deploying mobile applications and controlling overall device functionality.
Install Apps: Install apps remotely from Google Play Store or Apple App Store across all your mobile devices.
Create Groups: Create groups to manage multiple mobile devices to deploy apps, settings and restrictions to all devices within the group.
Configure settings: Configure settings such as wireless access points, proxy, web clip, and wallpapers on the mobile devices remotely.
Set restrictions: Set restrictions on the mobile devices defining what the end users is not allowed to do, such as launching the camera.
Send a message: Send a message to the mobile device from the Deep Freeze Cloud Console web interface.
Wipe mobile devices: Retired or lost devices can be wiped remotely to ensure data security.
Dynamic widgets: Monitor various parameters about the mobile devices with dynamic, interconnected widgets.
Tracking: Track device locations in near real time basis by viewing device locations on a map
Inventory: Get device details such as OS version, serial number, battery, disk space and much more.
Alerts: Set alerts for various security issues on mobile devices to notify administrators immediately.
21890 Resolved issue when 'Upgrade Services' run from Computers page is executed immediately instead of scheduled time. (Case No. UDV-333-38982)
Version 1.17.0913 (September 2017)
21699 Resolved an issue when Anti-Virus definitions cannot be updated and displays as 'Not Protected'. Manual definitions update displays 'check network connection' error. (Case No. SPF-483-97226/RWV-873-20832)
Version 1.17.0829 (August 2017)
21617 Resolved an issue where computers were not displayed in Cloud Console. (Case No. KOP-750-76967)
Version 1.17.0812 (August 2017)
New Features
Anti-Executable has been re-architected with more granular dashboard control and introduces a new Audit Mode and Ransomware Prevention option.
Audit Mode: Log all application launches and software installations, without enabling protection. Use the Staged Deployment option to move to partial or full protection only after a comprehensive control list is built.
Ransomware Prevention: Optimize system settings to overcome vulnerabilities and protect from ransomware attacks.
Interactive Dashboard: Review application violation information in the context of individual files or computers and take informed actions using dynamic and filterable widgets and grids. Make informed decisions on when to switch deployment stages.
Real-time Alerts: Define alert thresholds so administrators can receive proactive notifications for any unauthorized or malicious activity. Receive notifications via the management console, email, or mobile app.
Policy Control List: New tab in the policy to Allow and Block individual or multiple files.
Monitor VB and PowerShell Scripts: Now monitor the execution of .vbs and .ps files and block execution of all unauthorized scripts.
Enhanced Reporting: Customize and take immediate actions on the computers or violations. Check out these new Anti-Executable Dashboard Tabs:
Client Event Logs: Time log of all Anti-Executable events occurring on the client.
Client Side File Exceptions: All files added after the baseline Local Control list has been defined.
Local Control List: Displays local control list of computers for which Local Control List is retrieved (saved for 24 hrs).
Central List: All file events reported to Deep Freeze Cloud will be automatically added to the Central List.
Retrieve Local Control List: New 'Get Local Control List' task to retrieve a computer's local control list.
Enforced Password: Add an optional password to force both Anti-Executable 'Administrator' and 'Trusted User' to enter a password locally in order to allow execution of unauthorized files and change configurations.
Grouped Publishers: Publishers that have the same name but different signing certificate thumb print are now grouped.
My Cloud Drive was updated to support the latest Dropbox and Google Drive APIs.
Cloud Console
21388 Resolved an issue where License Management in Cloud Console was showing incorrect status of AV deployment. (Case No. FIT-252-21945)
Anti-Executable Service
20624 Resolved an issue of BSOD due to AeFilter in error stack. (Case No. VXC-558-50345)
14405 Resolved an issue where the user could not add Trusted Applications in the Global Control List with Faronics Anti-Executable Cloud. (Case No. OHE-403-97106)
14217 DKF-906-85852: AEEngine service stuck at 25% CPU usage (1/4 cores at 100%)
20671 Resolved an issue where Anti-Executable was making network banking application perform slowly. (Case No. CNR-391-54465)
14965 Resolved an issue where BSOD caused Anti-Executable whitelist to revert to blank. (Case No. PSD-985-39967)
Version 1.17.0810 (August 2017)
21401 Resolved an issue where Software Updater reporting showed inconsistencies. (Case No. MFI-383-93260)
Version 1.17.0725 (July 2017)
21368 Resolved an issue where the wake-up task was not launching if the relay computer was restarted or shutdown when all the computers in the same subnet reporting to the relay were shut down. (Case No. MNY-651-93831)
Version 1.17.0714 (July 2017)
21226 Resolved an issue with downloading full installer. (Case No. XBE-650-98754)
Version 1.17.0703 (July 2017)
New Features
Deep Freeze Dashboard is a visual representation of important Deep Freeze related information. To access the dashboard, go to Home > Deep Freeze Dashboard.
The dashboard provides the following key functionality:
Interconnected widgets: All the widgets are interconnected and selecting the values in one widget automatically changes all widgets and the values in the computer grid. For example, if you select Deep Freeze Status as Frozen, the computer grid will show the computers that are Frozen.
Multiple Selections: You can select values in multiple widgets to filter the output. For example, you can select Deep Freeze Status as Frozen and select a Tag. The result in computer grid will reflect all computers that are Frozen with the specific tag. Click the Clear Filter icon to clear multiple selections.
On Demand Actions: You can select one or more computers in the computers grid to perform actions.
Cloud Console
20677 Resolved a 404 error when logging into Deep Freeze Cloud.
Deep Freeze Service
21180 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to view the computer on the Deep Freeze On Demand page. (Case No. ZAK-445-31119/GOT-447-86757)
Cloud Drive
20576 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to log in to Google Drive. (Login window does not appear).
20611 Resolved an issue where My cloud drive locked up on login. (Case No. KGQ-148-37559)
20952 Resolved an issue where Cloud Drive (Google Drive) was not working. (Case No. LRF-472-90742)
18434 Resolved an issue where Cloud Drive was freezing at Google Drive Login. (Case No. CPL-763-87183)
20783 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to install Cloud drive on a computer with compressed drive. (Case No. CPL-763-87183)
Version 1.17.0613 (June 2017)
20612 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus client could not update the policy, apply the license or download virus definition updates since the Anti-Virus definition folder was full. (Case No. NHH-870-45914/ZND-284-68280)
Version 1.17.0607 (June 2017)
20764 Resolved an issue with Software Updater Service where Java/Java x64 downloads were failing to update. (Case No. JZO-534-77743)
Version 1.17.0510 (May 2017)
New Features
Data Igloo Service now supports the Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Windows 10 Creators Update.
Data Igloo Service
17489 Resolved an issue with Data Igloo Thawed registry corruption. (Case No. TAD-397-30601)
17569 Resolved an issue with Windows 10, Data Igloo Registry redirection. (Case No. WKS-424-12421)
18883 Resolved an issue where a new folder was created on login for redirected users due to corrupted Profile list registry. (Case No. NRG-627-42024)
14927 Resolved an issue on Windows 10 where the user was unable to install new apps from Windows Store for Microsoft account after user redirection.
Version 1.17.0502 (May 2017)
Cloud Console
20523 Resolved an issue of internal server error when retrieving tasks from cloud. (Case No. DFN-206-93929)
20536 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to apply policy to the computer due to internal server error from cloud. (Case No. SPF-817-47687)
20546 Resolved an issue where applying policy task fails due to Internal Server Error. (Case No. VJV-617-41203)
WINSelect Service
20469 Resolved an issue where Internet Explorer hanged when WINSelect was enabled. (Case No. GRE-276-63393)
20507 Resolved an issue where users could not browse to files and one system did not allow executables to run. (Case No. JQZ-939-98604)
20502 Resolved an issue where WINSelect was crashing Explore.exe and explorer.exe. (Case No. YJC-614-18758)
Version 1.17.0419 (April 2017)
New Features
WINSelect Service now supported on Windows 10 Creators Update.
18027 Resolved an issue where WINSelect crashes when accessing GUI. (Case No. NBL-926-46319)
19722 Resolved an issue where installing WINSelect from Deep Freeze Cloud failed. (Case No. NSN-500-58820)
17895 Resolved an issue where removable drives were not visible in WINSelect Kiosk mode in Windows 7. (Case No. NGG-802-63318)
17921 Resolved an issue of Logon delay when WINSelect was installed. (Case No. UFK-702-60328)
19913 Resolved an issue where WINSelect was causing Bravo Application to crash even with network allowances in place. (Case No. NSN-500-58820)
20249 Resolved an issue where Action Center is not getting launched after installing WINSelect for limited users.
20326 Resolved an issue where Windows Store was working even after it is disabled in WINSelect Start menu items.
20357 Resolved an issue with WINSelect on Windows 10 where Search/Cortana icon is available on taskbar in Kiosk mode.
20382 Resolved an issue where the user was able to launch Edge browser in kiosk mode on Windows 10 (Creators Update).
Version 1.17.0417 (April 2017)
20416 Resolved an issue where the notification email was not sent when an incident was reported in Campus Affairs.
Version 1.17.0414 (April 2017)
Cloud Console
20282 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Cloud could not update site name having apostrophe in its name (for example, 'Faronics QA's').
Anti-Virus Service
20254 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus Service could not authenticate to AD controller with Firewall enabled. (Case No. QMC-905-19329)
20106 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus Service status is not updated on Computers page of Deep Freeze Enterprise Site on Deep Freeze Cloud after connecting.
20107 Resolved an issue where legacy Anti-Virus gets installed on a computer with the New Anti-Virus installed, on assigning Legacy Anti-Virus policy from cloud on Legacy Anti-Virus computers.
20309 Resolved an issue where, application hosted on server not running on machines with Anti-Executable Service enabled if applied policy is inherited from Default Faronics Policy. (Case No. XQZ-450-57183)
Software Updater Service
17650 Resolved an issue where Software Updater and Reader DC does not update. (Case No. CBV-686-54652)
Campus Affairs
20328 Resolved an issue where News Bytes are not displayed on mobile app, if the news is added in DDMMYY format.
Version 1.17.0324 (March 2017)
Cloud Console
20048 Resolved an issue where 'My profile' settings are inaccessible when all sites are deleted. (Case No. GKI-608-50393)
20073 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to schedule task at specified time due to phantom conflict. (Case No. DRL-947-26020)
Software Updater Service
20163 Resolved an issue where PDF version of Software Updater report was blank. (Case No. NCR-109-76060)
17824 Resolved an issue where cache server not creating SU_downloads folder when the computer name was used. (Case No. QQN-472-76351)
20168 Resolved an issue where a Deep Freeze workstation status is not displayed under Workstation Status report page.
20170 Resolved an issue where a Server error is displayed when clicking on Power Save > Policy Configuration Report.
20065 Resolved an issue where the user is getting alerts for unknown reasons. (Case No. ROV-883-82870)
Campus Affairs
20121 Resolved an issue where the notifications popup message box is not displayed on Mobile app when notifications send from Campus Affairs Site.
Version 1.17.0321 (March 2017)
17880 Resolved an issue where computers did not exit maintenance period. This behavior occurred randomly and in an inconsistent manner.
18458 Resolved an issue where a computer was showing abnormal CPU usage in some cases.
19111 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze computer configuration was corrupted after sending on-demand (unscheduled) Windows Update task from Deep Freeze Cloud. (Case No. AFC-728-36239)
Version 1.17.0303 (March 2017)
New Features
Performance improvements for Anti-Virus definition downloads.
Version 1.17.0224 (February 2017)
19753 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Cloud was downloading app in the wrong language. (Case No. TMR-171-30878)
19835 Resolved an issue where the option to download the Full Installer should not be available under MAC.
Version 1.17.0217 (February 2017)
New Features
Full installer for large deployments: Administrators can now download the Cloud Agent Installers that include all the services within the same file for deployment across the network using third party tools. This saves valuable time and Internet bandwidth. Navigate to Home > Install Cloud Agent.
Anti-Virus 4.0 Service support for Deep Freeze Administrator: The Deep Freeze Administrator Mobile App now supports Anti-Virus 4.0 and includes enhancements related to Alerts.
Version 1.17.0215 (February 2017)
19808 Resolved an issue where computer Information and Status Missing from Cloud. (Case No. FJT-489-54705)
19635 Resolved an issue where FAVECore service get crashed during definition update from defs.deepfreeze.com.
19689 Resolved an issue where status for latest definition update is displayed as 'Outdated' on Spanish computer UI (date/time format issue).
19647 Resolved an issue where Chinese and Japanese computer Anti-Virus is fully distorted.
19665 Resolved an issue where it was unable to disable firewall and Active protection if WINSelect was enabled on computer.
Version 1.17.0210 (February 2017)
Cloud Console
19655 Resolved an issue where the user could not schedule policy for same day after 8 PM, on schedule policy dialog where today's date was grayed out.
19297 Resolved an issue where when Core Agent or Cloud Agent was installed on computer, Core Agent icon was not displayed on Computers page of Cloud Console.
19711 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core products should not be appear under upgrade service dialog on Deep Freeze Enterprise Cloud site computers page.
New Anti-Virus Service
19207 Resolved an issue where sometimes scroll doesn't appear for Firewall Program Rules list under the Anti-Virus policy.
19218 Resolved an issue where alerts for new sites are not generated unless alerts settings are not saved once.
19640 Resolved an issue under Anti-Virus Definition Update Status widget where Legacy Anti-Virus status is showing as outdated even if it is updated.
19643 Resolved an issue where after changing the language, time not displayed correctly on Computers page.
19750 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus widgets do not show any information.
Legacy Anti-Virus Service
15173 Resolved an issue where Anti-Virus Data Import Utility did not work properly with the message 'There are no policies available... '.
19506 S Resolved an issue where the user was unable to add chart/graph to office documents when Code Injection is blocked (Case No. OSW-859-33610)
Software Updater Service
17650 Resolved an issue where Software Updater and Reader DC does not update. (Case No. CBV-686-54652)
Version 1.17.0202 (February 2017)
19703 Resolved an issue where '404-Page Not Found' error was displayed. (Case No. KTO-489-60546, PZU-999-31113)
Version 1.17.0131 (January 2017)
19661 Resolved an issue where the Anti-Virus Notifications were blank. (Case No. OLC-729-11995)
19662 Resolved an issue where blank email Anti-Virus Alerts from were received from Deep Freeze Cloud. (Case No. XKJ-610-61215)
Version 1.17.0127 (January 2017)
New Features
Faronics Anti-Virus 4.0 will now be powered by a new engine that consistently ranks among the highest in the antivirus industry. Existing customers of Faronics Anti-Virus are requested to migrate to the New Anti-Virus 4.0 Service before June 30, 2017. The new Anti-Virus service will be available as an independent service under the Policy Interface.
Disable Legacy Anti-Virus service in the policy.
Enable and configure the New Anti-Virus Service in the policy.
Save the policy.
The Legacy Anti-Virus will be uninstalled and the New Anti-Virus will be installed once the policy is applied or scheduled. Visit the Policy interface for more information.
Note: Email Protection and Web Filtering features have been deprecated to keep the product lightweight and to optimize performance.
18048 Resolved an issue where computers are not syncing data from Deep Freeze Cloud Cache Server. (Case No. GKQ-765-36025)
18598 StorageSpace migration fails in Cloud Agent 2.11. (Case No. DSS-682-31784)
18630 Keyboard and mouse locked after update to Cloud Agent 2.11. (Case No. NVF-447-50945)
Version 1.17.0113 (January 2017)
Resolved an issue where, if the user has no sites and under Profile set during sign-in to be redirected to campusaffairs.com, a 404 error is shown.
19393 Resolved an issue where policies are not showing under the Policies page if at least one policy has a proxy port specified more than 33000.
Last updated