Version 1.13.1223 (December 2013)
New Features and Enhancements
Support for the 'Reset Password' functionality in Deep Freeze Enterprise for Faronics Labs (new web page introduced).
List of available countries is updated with all the existing countries in Faronics Labs.
An email is sent correctly when the password reset is requested or an invitation email is sent out.
Version 1.13.1215 (December 2013)
8353 Resolved an issue where the correct information/record was not filtered after refreshing the page.
8482 Resolved an issue where after changing the group, 'Faronics Default' policy was selected.
9013 Usability issue: Resolved an issue where error messages displayed in console disappeared within 3-4 seconds.
9143 Internal Report: Resolved an issue where uninstalling the Cloud Agent from a computer did not remove Deep Freeze from the computer.
9208 Password: Resolved an issue where password field shows unwanted password string [Asterisk (*) sign], if special characters were used.
9216 Resolved an issue where the Anti-Virus option does not gray out when on selecting 'Disable all services (recommended)' option under maintenance settings tab.
9221 Resolved an issue where Home and Power Social pages did not have help icon.
9257 Anti-Virus: Resolved an issue where the console accepted invalid IP range for trusted zone.
9297 Resolved an issue where Share your savings disappeared from page on clicking Cancel on 'Enable Social Profile' window.
9334 Resolved an issue where 'Policy contains invalid settings' error is displayed even after no invalid setting is specified in policy.
9337 Resolved an issue where associated computers are not displayed on computers page if group or policy selected in filter contains special character in name.
9338 WINSelect: Resolved an issue where the Taskbar check boxes are not unchecked after removing kiosk mode in WINSelect policy.
9339 WINSelect: Resolved an issue where users were not able to download .rtf file, if file name contains at least one '&' (Ampersand) sign.
9344 Anti-Virus: Web Filtering: Resolved an issue where the user was able to add/edit/delete any data of web filtering, if web filtering is disabled.
9345 Anti-Virus: Web Filtering: Resolved an issue where if editing an existing URL as block and save policy then edited URL was deleted.
9364 WINSelect: Resolved an issue where if kiosk mode is enabled, ADD button of 'Application' tab should also be disabled as well as 'Application' section.
9376 Resolved an issue where two error messages are displayed if the user enters password less than 7 character or greater than 20 characters.
9413 Resolved an issue where the 'Reports' page should not display/access for 'Deep Freeze Limited Administrator'.
9416 Resolved an issue where after clicking on cloud button (from DF Enterprise console) user is able to log in into disable user.
9417 Resolved an issue where after clicking on cloud button (from DF Enterprise console) user can log in into cloud application whose password is not reset.
9423 Faronics Anti-Virus icon is missing after running report. (Case No. COY-143-70803)
9424 Resolved an issue where OTP generator message about passwords expiring should use the word 'expire' not 'expires'. (Case No. RRE-142-57337)
9425 Resolved an issue where Cloud service login page does not appear to be fully secured. (Case No. SZD-254-27831)
9426 Resolved spelling mistakes / incomplete Strings in Cloud Console. (Case No. YLF-596-76195)
9458 Resolved an issue where invalid/wrong information is displayed on computer summary page (for Enterprise Console computer.)
9461 Resolved an issue where if installing Cloud Agent on a Legacy DF computer, on Computers page this computer has green light under 'Deep Freeze Cloud' column.
9482 Resolved an issue on DFOD page after execute 'Unlock Keyboard and mouse' action on 'Thawed and Locked' where computer status changed to 'Thawed'
9140 Resolved an issue with the internal TS Report: Timestamps on the Date Added and Last Reported dates do not match local time.
Version 1.13.1206 (December 2013)
8566 Resolved an issue on the Computers page, where under the Policy column the assigned policy becomes multiline after selecting/unselecting the filter.
9266 Power Save Service -User Experience tab: Resolved an issue where if the user notification message check box is unchecked, the spin control box for seconds was not grayed out.
9269 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where under the Energy Cost tab, an error message was not displayed on trying to save policy without Energy Cost added.
9270 Power Save Service: Power Schedule: If no power schedule is added under the list, trying to save policy did not display an error message.
9292 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where the address type did not get updated correctly from 'Add Trusted Zone' dialog.
9306 Anti-Virus Reports: Resolved an issue where, after clicking on Generate Report, today's entries were not displayed.
9307 Resolved an issue where the description for 'Last Scan' and 'Workstation Details' reports were incorrect.
9310 Anti-Virus Reports: Resolved an issue on trying to generate a single day report where proper data was not displayed.
9312 Anti-Virus Report: Resolved an issue where details under column headers are displayed incorrectly in Anti-Virus Email Protection History Report.
9316 Resolved an issue where the Download button is not available for msi option if first selecting 'Obtain URL..' and then switch to 'Download msi..'
9317 Resolved an issue where the Computers page was not refreshed after Computers reassigned to different group by user.
9319 WINSelect: Microsoft Office: Resolved an issue where 'Disable VB editor' was not selected, if user selected 'Disable Macro' in each case.
9322 Resolved an issue where some State/Province names for couple of countries are duplicated in Sign Up/My Profile page.
9326 Resolved an issue where the Anti-Executable configuration remains enabled even if Enable Anti-Executable is unchecked under the policy.
9330 On Computers page: Resolved an issue where on closing the delete computer confirmation dialog using 'Escape' button, then the user could not move to any other page.
Version 1.13.1128 (November 2013)
New Features
Anti-Virus Reports: Reports are now available for the Anti-Virus Service.
8295 Resolved an issue in the Start Wizard where once the Install Option was switched, it was not possible to switch it back.
8743 WINSelect Service: Resolved an issue where some options were not automatically selected after enabling the Kiosk Mode.
8795 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where the End Time was not disabled if When scan is complete option was selected for the Add Scan Schedule dialog.
8951 Resolved an issue in the Cloud Agent Installer where the error message displayed when the Internet was not working was not descriptive.
9116 Resolved an issue where the link was not complete when selecting the custom policy under Install Cloud Agent.
9144 Resolved an issue where the user could not download the Cloud Agent from Deep Freeze Cloud on Internet Explorer 8.0.
9169 Resolved an issue where users could add and remove schedules even if they only had permission to add or remove tasks.
9173 Resolved an issue where the message on the Power Save Social page was in capital letters.
9183 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where all the settings were not grayed out when Power Save was in Audit mode.
9192 Sign Up: Resolved an issue where the Country/state names were not arranged in alphabetical order.
9207 Resolved an issue on the Computer details page where the Anti-Virus status displayed incorrectly as Not Protected even if Anti-Virus was in a Protected state.
9212 Resolved an issue in the Power Save Monthly Savings widget where the savings were displayed/calculated incorrectly.
9214 Resolved an issue where the filters on the Computers page did not work properly.
9223 WINSelect Service: Resolved an issue where the Print dialog was not displayed if the Print all Codes button was clicked under the User Session tab. (Internet Explorer 10 only)
9224 WINSelect Service: Resolved an issue where a warning message was not displayed if no user session codes were available.
9225 WINSelect Service: Resolved a cosmetic issue in the System tab.
9226 Anti-Executable Import Tool: Resolved an issue where the files are not added to the Policy Central Control List if a huge number of executables are scanned. (For example Windows or C: drive).
9228 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where the user was unable to check/uncheck the Manage Power on Monitor check box for the third app.
9229 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where the user was unable to save more than one app into the list.
9231 Resolved an issue where the behavior between the computer and widget was inconsistent.
9251 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where the user needed to scroll down to view Delete Program Rule confirmation dialog.
9254 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where the Program rule was not added once user enters a wrong program name (without .exe extension).
9255 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where the description field was mandatory on Add Trusted Zone dialog.
9256 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved cosmetic issues in 'Advance Options' section.
9258 Anti-Virus Service: Resolved an issue where a error message gets displayed after try to adding duplicate program rule.
9261 WINSelect: Resolved an issue where .exe must be removed as an extension as they are not allowed to be disabled.
9265 Anti-Executable Policy: Resolved an issue under User Experience tab where the user is able user is able to enter unlimited characters.
9268 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue under User Experience tab where the Notification Message box should be disabled, if the User Notification option is not selected.
9271 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue under Power Schedule table where the Power Schedule Note (name) string did not have a 50-character limit.
9272 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where a duplicate Power Schedule Note (name) could be added using space or case-sensitive characters.
9273 Power Save Service: Resolved an issue where if the Allow user....option is selected, the drop-down options for hours were not grayed out.
9276 General Settings: Resolved a cosmetic issue where the Click Here link was not in blue color.
9279 Power Save Policy: Resolved an issue where the User Notification Message in the User Experience tab did not have a character limit.
Version 1.13.1122 (November 2013)
New Features
Licensing: Licensing information is now available for Super Administrators
New Widgets: The following new widgets are available for Power Save Service:
Power Save Monthly Savings
Power Save Hourly Savings
Power Save Weekly Savings Trend
Download MSI installer: Ability to download MSI file for Cloud Agent to install it over Active Directory or third party software.
7829 Resolved an issue where the Copy to Clipboard feature did not work under Obtain a URL for installing on other computers option.
7989 Resolved an issue where if a policy scheduled for update is deleted the policy name under Policy Update Schedules displayed as empty.
8352 If Deep Freeze Service is enabled: Resolved an issue where the product installers are not deleted after installing locally on computer.
8579 If Deep Freeze Service is enabled: Resolved an issue where an error message was not displayed on trying to add a task with the End time less than 15 minutes.
8650 If Power Save Service is enabled: Resolved an issue where an error message is not displayed where Turn off monitor and Stand By PC values are same.
8718 Deep Freeze Service: Resolved an issue where if Show Message minutes before... radio button is cleared, the minutes spin box is not grayed out.
8719 Resolved an issue where duplicate messages are displayed when trying to save a policy.
8721 Resolved an issue where a message is not displayed if a computer is removed from the Scheduled Task.
8765 Resolved an issue where trying to make child group as a parent group, removes both groups from the list.
9032 Resolved an issue where the Windows Update tab settings are grayed out.
9034 Resolved an issue where WINSelect allowed a password more than 15 characters.
9049 Resolved an issue where the Results per Page feature was not working in Reports.
9050 Resolved an issue where the spin button in Deep Freeze Workstation task was grayed out.
9055 Resolved an issue where an outdated tool tip was displayed for uninstalling Anti-Executable.
9060 Resolved an issue where trying to apply Energy Consumption profile where Power Save is not installed displayed an improper error.
9067 Resolved a cosmetic issue for the Computer Name.
9081 Resolved an issue where the Windows Update task is not saved.
9094 Resolved an issue where the Energy Consumption Profile notification message is not displayed.
9101 Resolved an issue where A and B drives are not displayed in the System Tab of WINSelect.
9104 Resolved an issue where the energy savings is calculated even when the computer is in native shutdown.
9108 Resolved and issue in Power Save Service where Turn off Monitor if Keyboard / Mouse are inactive for option was not grayed out in Audit Mode.
9158 Resolved an issue where the Print functionality was not functioning.
9159 Resolved an issue where all computers were not visible in Deep Freeze Limited administrator mode and upgrading to a Super Administrator mode.
9168 Resolved an issue where computers from blocked and unassigned groups were displayed on Deep Freeze On Demand page.
9170 Resolved an issue where settings were not applied from other sections.
9190 Resolved an issue where less than 7-character password can be set using special characters.
9191 Resolved an issue where multiple users were deleted even when only one user was selected.
9193 Resolved an issue where Groups are not updated on User Management page.
9204 On Internet Explorer only: Resolved an issue where if the workstation task start time falls within the 15-minute time, corrupt characters are displayed for the end time.
9205 On Internet Explorer only: Resolved an issue where the user is able to add a Workstation Task less than 15-minute duration.
9206 Resolved an issue where only one file gets added from the Anti-Executable Data Import Utility when multiple files with the same name but different hash tags are added.
9209 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Workstation task is always displayed as zero even when a workstation task has been scheduled.
9210 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to delete any policy after deleting tasks from Policy Update Schedule.
9211 Resolved an issue where the users and computers not displayed for Deep Freeze Limited Administrator.
Version 1.13.1115 (November 2013)
8464 Resolved an issue where the frequency for Scheduled Tasks for Deep Freeze On Demand was Zero by default.
8567 Resolved an issue where the font size for the product installer was different on the Install Services and Start Wizard page.
8999 Resolved issues in the sign-up page.
9053 Resolved an issue in time zone list where UTC- countries were not displayed after UTC+.
9068 Resolved an issue where the Export button size is greater than Import and Clear buttons and position was not set correctly.
9078 Resolved an issue where Enable WINSelect check box in policy gets unchecked when WINSelect settings are restored to default settings.
9079 Resolved an issue in Anti-Executable Data Import Utility: Elapsed time displayed in scanning dialog was unreadable.
9091 Resolved an issue where an application's icon was not unique throughout application.
9102 Resolved an issue with Anti-Executable policy: On user experience tab Domain User could not be added as '\' character was not allowed to be entered.
9103 Resolved an issue on the Computers page: Sometimes if user clicks on computer name of computer tab then application gives error page.
9105 Resolved an issue in the Deployment Utility: Selected computer restarted without installing FWA or any product.
9115 Resolved an issue where the image 'OnAVDefinationRelay.png' is bigger than expected.
9122 Resolved an issue where Error! Please try after some time... page is displayed on trying to print Top/Bottom 25 reports.
9141 Resolved an issue where the Cloud Relay will not accept passwords that contain punctuation. (Case No. CLT-704-61693)
9142 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Cloud does not accept special characters as a password when using the Cloud Relay. (Case No. EXF-506-27107)
9146 Resolved an issue of product name background image for policies left navigation.
9147 Resolved an issue in the Deployment Utility for Anti-Executable installation in combination with Deep Freeze. Modified the text to Pending till restart.
9148 New better looking error page now available.
9149 Resolved an issue for Anti-Executable with dll monitoring enabled and WINSelect installed on same computer where the user was unable to log in to the system.
Version 1.0 (November 2013)
Automatic maintenance and upgrades: Deep Freeze Cloud and the Cloud Agent installed on the computers are updated automatically.
On Demand Actions: Perform On Demand actions for Deep Freeze Cloud Service. You can Reboot Frozen, Reboot Thawed, Restart, Shutdown, and perform many tasks in real-time.
Permission-based User Management: Add, modify, and delete users from Deep Freeze Cloud. Assign multiple levels of privileges for users.
Discover and Deploy: Discover and deploy policies and services across all your computers within your environment.
Schedule Maintenance: Schedule a maintenance period where all the Services can be disabled for system maintenance.
Group Management: Categorize computers into different Groups. Import Groups from your Active Directory hierarchy.
Policy Management: Deploy Policies for multiple Services from Deep Freeze Cloud. Schedule recurring Policies. Enforce Policies to different Groups.
Enterprise Dashboard: Dashboard widgets visually represent events and status of Services on your entire network.
Generate Detailed Reports: Multiple Reports available for Services. Export reports to HTML, PDF, and CSV formats.
Task Management: Monitor ongoing Tasks on your network. Cancel or Retry selected Tasks.
Dynamic Search: Search results are automatically filtered as the keywords are entered. Search based on different parameters such as Computer Name, MAC address, IP address, Cloud Agent Version, Services, Policies, and Groups.
Filter: Filter computers by the Service installed, Groups, Policy, and Report Period.
Customizable Console Name: Customize Deep Freeze Cloud by prefixing your company name. Call it [Company_Name] Cloud.
Deep Freeze Cloud Service: Preserve your computer's configuration across multiple reboots. Retain data across reboots by redirecting both user and application data to storage space on non-system or network drives. Or create virtual storage drives called ThawSpaces.
Anti-Executable Cloud Service: Prevent unauthorized executables from running.
Anti-Virus Cloud Service: Protect your network from viruses. Provides Active Protection, E-mail Protection, Firewall, and Web Filtering. Protect your network from unauthorized access with the Intrusion Detection System.
WINSelect Cloud Service: Manage and control the launching of programs on computers. Control Browsers and Printers. Create a Kiosk with limited access to Windows features and programs.
Power Save Cloud Service: Intelligent Power Management for your computers. Monitor the CPU, hard disk, and critical applications. Generate detailed audit and full operation savings reports for your computers.
Last updated